Hover to scramble the poem
Mokire na mîtokaa mîkururanio na thuti hûre bathi na iratû njiru ta nduma na thaa irametameta. Magîtûkora tumîte ibarûa na mathîna maitû ng’ong’o ona mîatuka itû magûrûinî Na ndangari iria tûîkîraga. Makîîarîrîa na thiomi cia rûraya magîtûorotaga ithuî andû ethî makiuga ati mîthiîre itu Ti ûmwe na ûndûire witû. Ngartia
Whenever I was naughty my mum would tell me off in Kikuyu
I can never say I have been ashamed or embaressed of my tribe instead I have always been proud.
I didnt understand kikuyu as a tribal language growing up
My dad is proabably the one who spoke kikuyu the most, even until today. My grandma and late grandfather only speak it!
Kikuyu is a tribe in Kenya, so when someone asks me which tribe am i from I say Kikuyu
Family events such as weddings were always hard for me because I understand kikuyu but unable to respond verbally
I made friends regardless of tribal differences
Not everywhere in Kenya do they speak kikuyu, on the coast of Kenya (Mombasa) they speak mainly kiswahili.
My mum always told me when I was a toddler I did speak kikuyu a lot more than english
In traditional curcumstances I would be encouraged to marry a Kikuyu man and not outside of my tribe
One of my favourite things about my tribe is the traditional songs and dance
I often spoke to pets in kikuyu, although it was funny because I barley even understood what I was saying myself
I was born and raised in a city in kenya called Nairobi
On the swing being pushed by my auncle